Do you have land with development potential within North Devon or Torridge?
Date of Article
Apr 26 2022
Planning & development

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North Devon and Torridge district council – call for sites

North Devon Council and Torridge District Council have jointly issued a 'call for sites'.

This is an open invitation to landowners, developers and community groups, who are interested in having land considered for a range of different uses, to submit specific information on sites they would like assessed. It will require the preparation and submission of a written representation, together with an appropriately scaled OS map showing the boundaries of any sites submitted.

Any sites submitted through this exercise will be assessed and included in an updated Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) – forming an important part of the evidence base for the emerging Joint Local Plan Review. In addition to new sites, the Councils are also considering updated details of previously submitted sites.

Opportunities will emerge from this process for housing and commercial development. If you own land with potential for development within the District, get in touch with our planning and development experts.

The Council is looking for land for both greenfield and brownfield land for housing and/or economic uses, so long as it is either able to accommodate 5 or more homes for residential use, or is at least 0.25ha (0.62 acres) in area for economic uses.

This information will be used to help planning officers understand which sites may be available for development.

The deadline for submissions is 4.45 pm on Friday 29 April 2022.

This may represent your opportunity to start to realise development on your land.

If you would like to speak to our professionals about the potential of your land, please contact:

Gareth Jackson MRTPI
Partner, Planning
07780 667019

Steve Morris
Partner, Development
07554 459556  

Steven Sensecall MRTPI
Partner, Head of Planning
South & South West
07970 796762   

James Bainbridge FRICS
Chairman, Development
South & South West
07887 834070