6 High Street, Ely Ely, Cambridgeshire
Contracted office
Pension Fund
Ely, Cambridgeshire
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Get in touch
Keith Fuller
Partner, Building Consultancy
01223 326550 Email me About Keith
Keith is a Partner in the commercial team and is based out of our Cambridge office.

Carter Jonas provided dilapidations advice in respect of the former tenant’s exit and subsequently delivered a repairs and strip out project on behalf of the landlord.

The aim of this project was to better present the unit to let in the commercial market and collaboration between the firm’s Building Surveying and Agency teams saw a new occupier secured with a minimal void period.

Following the exit by the former tenant it was agreed necessary to refurbish the shop in order that it could be positioned as best as possible in the letting market.

The best strategy was to fully strip out the unit back to the Landlord’s walls and refurbish the existing toilets to give maximum flexibility to a perspective occupier. A new tenant was able to be found by the time the works were substantially complete and this allowed for a seamless handover to the occupier which helped reduce their fit out time.

The refurbishment provided a blank canvas retail unit which was an easier prospect to let because it enables an occupier to have greater vision over their use and increases the interest in the unit.

Depending on the terms of the former lease it is possible to recuperate some if not all of the Landlord’s costs associated with the strip out works and this can often advocate a higher quality fit out from the next tenant who is not required to sink funds into strip out costs.

Refurbishment work is closely linked to the dilapidations process as under the civil procedures protocol it is key to prove the Landlord's future intentions for the building so as to establish if super-session applies to the former tenant’s dilapidations liability.  Refurbishment is often the most effective way of proving Landlord's loss which makes for a swifter compensation settlement with the former tenant.