Bramford Loraine Way, Bramford, Suffolk
Table top with Loft style Interior Building Decoration
Planning & Development
Loraine Way, Bramford, Suffolk
How we helped
Masterplanning and urban design
Get in touch
Johnny Clayton
Partner, Head of Masterplanning
020 7518 3226 Email me About Johnny
Loraine Way Bramford
Loraine Way Bramford

Bramford is an attractive historic village on the River Gipping, a few miles outside Ipswich. Our masterplanning professionals were appointed to plan an urban extension to the north of the village on land owned by the minerals company, Cemex. 

The site falls into two parts, the upper part is arable land partially surrounded by hedgerows, and the lower area is wetland within the river floodplain and adjacent to the newly created Suffolk Water Park.

Our experts developed a masterplan which maximised the site’s assets, while playing down constraints such as the high voltage power lines which crossed the area. An outline planning application was submitted for 225 homes, together with an extensive network of public open space. The application was accompanied by a public exhibition and consultation exercise in the village.

Illustration: aerial and ground perspectives.