Developing Welsh Biogas 2009
Date of Article
Aug 07 2009

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Edmund Bailey, a member of the Carter Jonas Energy Team, gave a presentation on anaerobic digestion (AD) opportunities in Wales at the conference 'Developing Welsh Biogas 2009' in Cardiff on 15 July.

Anaerobic digestors

With the Government determined to reduce carbon emissions and increase the reliance on renewable sources of energy, Edmund highlighted the role Anaerobic Digestion could play in meeting the UK's renewable energy contribution. Edmund's presentation followed Jane Davidson, the Minister for Environment Sustainability & Housing's address and Q&A session.

Edmund spoke about opportunities for Welsh farmers to derive value from slurry or low value forage crops to secure an alternative source of income through the production of 'green' electricity.

AD is a naturally occurring process in which organic compounds are broken down by micro-organisms into biogas and nutrient-rich fertiliser.  Several companies are starting to develop commercial AD plants to process both farm slurry, forage crops and/or domestic and industrial waste.

The Energy Team is actively involved with approximately 75 renewable energy schemes throughout the UK. The projects include wind, AD, biomass, coal bed methane, hydro, CHP, solar and ground source heat.