Planning and Development Opportunities within Northamptonshire
Date of Article
Nov 12 2013

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Planning and Development Opportunities within Northamptonshire

Developers looking at strategic sites across Northamptonshire will find varying levels of opportunity, depending on the stage of the local authority's plans.

The following gives an outline of the key headlines covering: 5 Year Housing Land Supply, Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), Local Plans, key dates and where there is opportunity for each area across the county.

West Northamptonshire Joint Planning Unit – key headlines...

Joint Core Spatial Strategy submitted to the Secretary of State. The hearing is expected to resume on the 18th March 2014.

South Northamptonshire launched their Issues Consultation in respect of the South Northamptonshire Settlements and Development Management Policies Local Plan on the 28th October 2013. The Local Plan will build on the West Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy and will establish a Rural Settlements Hierarchy within the District. The Local Plan will include site specific allocations and policies. This Core Strategy and Local Plan will be the starting point for the consideration of planning application.

The consultation period runs for 12 weeks until Friday 24th January 2014.

This represents the first stage in the process and provides an opportunity for landowners to influence the Council, with a view to securing future development on land adjoining villages.

Northampton Borough Council has indicated their intention to commence the preparation of the Northampton Related Development Area Allocations Local Plan. This plan will also include policies and allocations. The Council has indicated that this process will commence in autumn 2013.

This will provide an opportunity for landowners to influence the Council, with a view to securing future development on land adjoining villages.

Northampton Borough Council does not currently have a 5 year housing land supply.
The lack of a 5 year housing land supply provides the opportunity to secure planning permission outside of the development plan process.

Daventry District Council has commenced the preparation of the Daventry Settlement and Countryside Local Plan. An Issues Paper was published for consultation purposes in October/ November 2012. Further consultation with Town and Parish Councils ended on the 31st May 2013.

There will be a further opportunity for further engagement and promotion of land as the preparation of the plan progresses.
In terms of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), the West Northamptonshire Joint Planning Unit intend consulting on the draft charging schedule in Spring 2014 with a view to adoption in January 2015. It is proposed that the charges will cover residential and retail. The proposed residential development tariff will range from £50 - £150/ m2 and the proposed tariff for employment development will be in the order of £100/ m2.

The introduction of CIL will enable Local Planning Authorities to secure financial contributions for development that would traditionally fall under the threshold. There is a window of opportunity to bring forward development opportunities in advance of the charging schedule being introduced.

North Northamptonshire Joint Planning Unit – key headlines...
The Core Spatial Strategy was adopted in 2008. The review of the Core Strategy has been put on hold pending the outcome of the Rushden Lakes Call-in Inquiry.

Corby Borough Council has commenced the preparation of their Site Allocations DPD. This was due to be adopted in March 2011. This review is on hold pending the Core Strategy review. Corby Borough Council does not currently have a 5 year housing land supply.

The lack of a 5 year housing land supply provides the opportunity to secure planning permission outside of the development plan process.

Within East Northamptonshire Higham Ferrers, Rushden, Oundle and Raunds have expressed an interest in the preparation of Neighbourhood Plan.

This presents the opportunity to promote sites for development through engagement in the Neighbourhood Plan process.

Kettering Borough Council has commenced the preparation of Site Specific Proposals Local Development Document. This will cover the whole of Kettering Borough. The document will consider the allocation of land for housing, employment, retail, leisure and community facilities. The document will include policies for specific area including Rothwell, Desboroguh and Burton Latimer. A targeted consultation on housing allocations is taking place between the 28th October and the 9th December.

Wellingborough Borough Council . The Site Specific Proposals Development Plan Document is on hold pending the review of the Core Strategy which is awaiting the outcome of the Rushden Lakes call-in inquiry.

In terms of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), the North Northamptonshire Joint Planning Unit intend consulting on the draft charging schedule in early 2014 with a view to adoption in summer 2014. It is proposed that the charges will cover residential and retail over 280m2. The proposed residential development tariff will range from £50 - £150/ m2 and the proposed tariff for employment development will be in the order of £125/ m2.

The introduction of CIL will enable Local Planning Authorities to secure financial contributions for development that would traditionally fall under the threshold. There is a window of opportunity to bring forward development opportunities in advance of the charging schedule being introduced.