Our aim is to help you make the best of your business assets. Traditional areas of surveys and valuations are skills you may well have called upon in the past but there are now many other ways to unlock the potential of your holding, our partners respected in their fields can help advise you on the best way forward.

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Politics and policy created boom and bust in the renewable energy sector a decade ago. But, despite the rollercoaster ride, the long-term prospects for landowners look bright. In April 2010, the Government announced the opening of the Feed-in Tariff (FiT) but fast forward nine years and the picture is very different. The FiT closed in April and revised planning policy has all but killed on-shore wind turbines for the foreseeable future. But this is far from the end of renewable energy opportunities for landowners.


Livestock farmers had a tough year last year with generally poor prices and a tirade of stories in the press about the environmental and human health dangers of beef, sheep and dairy farming.

However, next week at the Oxford Farming Conference, Prof Alice Stanton of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, will deliver a lecture on the potential health benefits associated with eating red meat.

A number of studies in recent years have linked meat to a higher incidence of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks, strokes and diabetes mellitus and the WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer also suggested, in 2015, that “processed meats are carcinogenic” and “red meat is probably carcinogenic”.

But as with many health-related studies, it seems the real story is more nuanced than many newspaper headlines would make you believe. Indeed, this seems to be the message from Prof Stanton who claims that red meat is good for health, so long as it is eaten in moderation.

She explains that, “When you carefully examine the studies, where adult populations were subdivided into groups according to how regularly they ate red meat, those who ate moderate-sized portions of about 120g (4 oz) two to five times weekly were less likely to die than those that ate either large quantities very regularly, or those that ate meat very rarely, if ever.”

This is thought to be due to the protective effects of red meat, associated with its balance of protein and richness in key micronutrients such as vitamins A, B12, D and K2.  The iron, zinc and selenium contained in red meat are also particularly important for the immune system.

Animal sourced foods also appear to be particularly important for child development and Prof Stanton explains that, “Studies repeatedly show that, for the first 1,000 days of life, protein, iron, vitamin B12, EPA and DHA intake contribute importantly to normal brain and body development,”

So, it appears that the headlines concerning the negative health implications of eating red meat should be taken with a “pinch of salt”.  Therefore the focus should be on moderation of meat intake rather than abstention, which I hope will be a message that comes to the fore because it seems to me, many people have forgotten that humans are naturally omnivorous and therefore we are biologically designed to eat meat as well as vegetables.

For more information, please contact James Stephen, Partner (james.stephen@carterjonas.co.uk / 01823 428860), or your local Carter Jonas office.

Ash dieback (Chalara) is a disease affecting ash trees; it’s a fungal pathogen which causes severe leaf loss and crown dieback. This can either the kill the tree or make it more susceptible to other fungi which, in turn, cause its demise. It was first spotted in the UK in 2012, although it’s now believed that it had been present for longer, and is now endemic throughout England and large parts of Wales. It’s been widespread in Europe for much longer. The severity of the disease, in terms of spread of infection and the rate of degradation on individual trees, is much worse than it was originally thought.

Click here to download our briefing note Ash dieback: how to deal with it.

The Environment Bill sets out how the government will maintain environmental standards - but what are the implications?

Read more here >

Get in touch
Oliver Mead
Partner, Rural
01225 747243 Email me About Oliver
Jack Mitchell
Partner, Rural
01823 428 593 Email me About Jack
James Stephen
Partner, Rural
01823 428860 Email me About James
Oliver is engaged predominantly in rural estate management with a diverse range of clients throughout the West Country and further afield. Coupled with that, Oliver carries out general professional work for farmers and landowners. He is a RICS registered valuer.
Jack spends most of his time dealing with the marketing and sale of rural property, including anything from pasture paddocks to entire farms. Jack also undertakes a wider range of rural professional work, negotiating a range of leases and licences, compensation for the acquisition of various interests and subsidy and stewardship schemes. Jack has a first class honours degree in Estate Management and qualified as a Chartered Surveyor and Agricultural Valuer in 2014. He is a RICS registered valuer. In his spare time, Jack enjoys helping on his family’s mixed farming and retail business in Somerset, which keeps him up to date with the practicalities of farming and the rural economy.

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